Betekenis van:
asking price

asking price
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • prijs waartegen handelswaren worden verkocht
  • the price at which something is offered for sale




asking price
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • gevraagde prijs voor een dienst/artikel
  • the price at which something is offered for sale




asking price
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • winkelwaarde
  • the price at which something is offered for sale





asking price


  1. The painting is not worth the price you are asking.
  2. This Standard uses the terms ‘bid price’ and ‘asking price’ (sometimes referred to as ‘current offer price’) in the context of quoted market prices, and the term ‘the bid-ask spread’ to include only transaction costs.
  3. The appropriate quoted market price for an asset held or liability to be issued is usually the current bid price and, for an asset to be acquired or liability held, the asking price.
  4. When current bid and asking prices are unavailable, the price of the most recent transaction provides evidence of the current fair value as long as there has not been a significant change in economic circumstances since the time of the transaction.
  5. When an entity has assets and liabilities with offsetting market risks, it may use mid-market prices as a basis for establishing fair values for the offsetting risk positions and apply the bid or asking price to the net open position as appropriate.